The second project consists elaborate a digital storytelling. Firstly, we think about the topic of story book and the level witch it was going addressed, 4th of Primary. We decide this level because in this age the students are very competitive in the sports. Peter, the protagonist, is a students with ADHD who will participate in the school olympics. For this reason, we thought about the most representative characteristics this disorder. Later, we wrote the story in the computer and we elaborate the pages of book. In addition, we recorded the voice. Finally, with the Storyjamper program we create the visual part of the book and we introduced the voice.
During a cold spring morning…
-It’s cold. Peter, the jacket! Don’t forget it.
-Mum, this is not important now. Today is the school olympics and I can’t be late.
Peter and his mother are going to school.
Peter is anxious. It’s the big day! Today the sixth edition of the school olympics is taking place. All the students of the Bob Dylan public school will engage in this event. The school is located in Broiton, this town is near the city of Manchester.
-I'm going to win! No! I will be the champion.
All the pupils are very happy and eager because of this event, especially Peter, who wants to win the race.
-I will run more than you and I will be the winner of the Olympics.
The olympics are about to start. There are 3 types of competitions: skill, strength and endurance races. Peter didn’t hear correctly the instructions of the first race because he was playing ball with another friends.
The olympics are about to start. There are 3 types of competitions: skill, strength and endurance races. Peter didn’t hear correctly the instructions of the first race because he was playing ball with another friends.
-Eh! Look at this ball. Let’s to play!
Therefore, Peter was confused about the itinerary and he didn’t win the race as he wanted. This fact made him so sad.
-I don’t want to play more.
-Come on Peter, you have to play, your friends need you.
During the second test, the skill race, Peter was feeling fine and he won it. He was very happy and proud of himself!
-Oh no! I don’t want to lose and I’m going to get the last one.
-Aaaah! Peter, what are you doing? Why you push me?
-Sorry my friend, I did not want to hurt you. Now, I will be the first.
Last race was a bit different, Peter needed to win this last round to be the champion of the olympics, so he cheated. When the organization of the event noticed this, Peter was immediately disqualified. Because of his disqualification Peter cried.
-Peter, that's not fair play. By cheating and hurting a partner you are disqualified.
-But that's unfair teacher! I won!
Finally, as his teachers knew which was the cause that lead Peter to have this behaviour, they explained him which were the rules of the olympics. The most important thing is to participe.
During the deliverance of the medals Peter heard his name by acoustics. He received an award by his effort. This event helped Peter to understand the values of competitions.
All children learned that the most important thing is to participe and to have fun rather than winning.
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